Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Im Old!

Well not that bad i guess, 29 on Thursday the 16th November.

Birthdays rock. I have loved them since i can remember and still love them. I hope that never ends.

Monday, November 13, 2006


From yesterdays Sunday Times

Hogarth can’t help but feel sorry for the ANC’s Ngoako Ramathlodi. Not only does he have those pesky arachnids on his case but he now has to deal with having the ANC Youth League as supporters.

A certain ANCYL official called Julius Malema issued a statement this week, threatening the Scorpions with eternal damnation. Add your own (sics): “The ANCYL in Limpopo has learned with shocked about the raid by Scorpion on the home of our former premier Ngoako Ramathlodi. We view this as another disturbing and treat to our democracy. We heard of this investigations firstly in 2003 and today we are in 2006 and to us is effectively three years of investigations on one individual.”

And so on

Malema continued: “We are conviced by the say that says ‘Justice delays is justice denied’ and we see this practically happened to Ngoako Ramathlodi. In this regard we are over concerned about the overprolonging and unending investigations on our greatest leader. We are of a view that unending investigations against one individual must be challenged because it will never be the rule of law instead is a rule of anarchy.”

To top it all

Not to be outdone, the youth league’s head office issued its own incomprehensible missive, this time in defence of the karaoke singer.
Said league president Fikile Mbalula: “The NPA bungled the [Jacob Zuma] case and it was struck off the roll but people ... go around saying they will charge Zuma again. We are not intimidated by starrings that they will charge tomorrow or whenever. They have to apply law not catering. We are not going to allow Arnold Schwarzenegger to promise to charge when there is no case. Lessons should be drawn from the beautiful Judge Willem van Merwe who applied law during rape trial,” said he.

A Z500 cash prize for the most accurate translation.

Classic! Julius Malema, you biscuit!