Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sheep and lube, i think not!

My best mate is getting married next weekend and as his best man i'm flying to Durban to host his bachelors tomorrow. I must admit I haven’t had anytime to organize anything spectacular for the guy but armed with guilt I gave two ladies from work an unlimited budget to get some equipment for the event. Well, I never fell on my arse when I saw what the two supposedly normal collegeus arrived with.

Accompanying myself and a mate on a flight to Durban tomorrow will be:
Enough lube to make a runway slippery.
A fabulous blow up sheep.
Tiger print ankle restraints.
More lube
Strange lacy things
Stranger soft things
Scary harder things

The conservative Afrikaner and the black traditonal healer went into the Hustler sex shop in Rivonia and went to town!!

I’m not sure how i’m going to use all the stuff on the poor bastard but its going to be a cracker! If truth be told i’m not sure how some of this stuff is meant to be used in any event let alone at bachelors!

Peas and Ant I believe I have more than enough lube if you are still looking!


Peas on Toast said...

Sounds fabulous Billy! Funnily enough, I have one of those blow up sheep in the back of a cupboard somewhere from some porn party I held. And thanks for the lube offer, am doing just fine! :)

Still all those items on your list should come in handy: duct tape them to his naked body I say, and make up run down Musgrave Road.
Or make him sell them to random punters in clubs. And took lots of photos. Have a blast, as I have no doubt you will. :)

Billy said...

I fear it to be honest, it could be massive......

Have a good weekend.

Peas on Toast said...

You too. And I want details when you return. x

Third World Ant said...

Sounds like someone had a par-tay this weekend! Tell us what kinky things went down...

And, do you have spare lube? We're fresh out!

Peas on Toast said...

So what happened! Laid? Sore bum, why??
Details are needed urgently Billy.:)

Billy said...

Still to stupid and slowed up to put a concise account together. I need more sleep!