Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What? You must be joking?

Which complete fucking idiot is refered too below:

"He told the court he did not think he placed his rape accuser at risk of HIV/Aids or any other sexually transmitted disease by not using a condom.

Is it:
a) Homer Simpson?

b) A mentally challenged inividual called Bob?

c) The former deputy president of a country?

What did we do to deserve this!

Thats one thing but the geniues doesnt seem to see any problem concerning his own risk of getting AIDS by having unprotected sex with a women who is known to carry the HIV virus?

No wonder so many South Africans are dying daily from the desease.

God help us, please.


Third World Ant said...

In my mind, there is only one reason you would knowingly sleep with someone who has AIDS: because you have AIDS yourself, of course!

Of course we have to give JZ the benefit of the doubt when it comes to his apparent supreme ignorance around the matter of contracting HIV: this could be quite a complex notion to grasp if you, as the once-Deputy President, do not even have your Matric!

Billy said...

He was also the was chairperson of the Aids Council.....i guess he wasnt listening??????????

Billy said...

perhaps...he forgot to read the minutes of the meeting?

Third World Ant said...

Um, can he? (read)?

Anonymous said...

d) A donkey

I think he may have been head of some or other "moral values" committee at one point as well.

And by the way, I am wearing a skirt today. I just hope that no one on the street or in the office thinks it's because I am sending sexual signals to them.

Where are we? The dark ages?

Billy said...

The skirt issue is another winner from the house of imbecile.

This f*cker makes my blood boil. He's like 50 Taxi drivers all rolled into one for me!

I apologise for all the swearing on this post but im struggling to express myself today.

Ant: Good point, im not sure he can read.

Billy said...

Jam: lol.