Friday, May 05, 2006

My favourite Idiot

Never one to hog the news, our intrepid former Deputy President is about to meet his destiny on Monday. Although a rape conviction will probably make his supporters more enraged at the terrible way he was treated it should eliminate the vermin from becoming the President, i hope.

If only they would do this more often!

Shut the fuck up, that is.

I find this very interesting:

Mohau also confirmed that Zuma would speak at a fundraising concert for him in Soweto on Sunday. Fourteen Maskandi groups would perform and tickets at R55 a person would be sold at the gates to Jabulani Ampitheatre.

I wonder how many of his supporters will put there money where there mouths are....
and for that matter how many women arrive in skirts to be nailed by the big JZ.

My 2 wishes for May:
Bob Mugabe gets dysentery and falls through his own arse and dies.
Zuma gets raped by a big boy called Danny and moves too Australia to become the head of the outback AIDS foundation.


Anonymous said...

I'll be sure to trot on down to Soweto in a knee length skirt... exciting!

Peas on Toast said...

I'm with Jam - LOL!
You couldn't have said it better Billy.

(Amoebic dysentry is worse than malaria, or so I have heard. That'll leave Bob on the loo for a good 48 hours. If he's lucky.)

Third World Ant said...

An additional wish for May:

1. Telkom authorises the SNO to start full-blown operations by June, and allows it put up its own new infrastructure and compete directly with its services.

(rather far-fetched, I know, but a girl has to have her dreams, doesn't she?)

Billy said...

Cool, check your site for my attempt to help.

Morning to the rest of you, i trust we are all anticipating a ripper of a weekend? JZ concert for starters followed by the all night vigil for JZ outside the court?

Im shaking im so excited.

Billy said...

TWA, if that happens i promise to stand naked on the corner of Rivonia and Grayston for an hour on a friday morning.

Third World Ant said...

Well now there's an incentive to start pulling out teeth for the tooth fairy! I'd yank out a moalr for that one :)

Third World Ant said...

... and even a molar...

Billy said...

or a molee?

Peas on Toast said...

Bless your little cotton doondies Billy. I'll extract a molee myself to see this.

Billy said...
