Thursday, June 22, 2006

Life at present:

1. Its about 9 weeks until i become a father. I am crapping myself properly!

2. Works insane. Can’t see the wood for the tree's and I want to murder at least 30 percent of the people I deal with on a daily basis.

3. I tore the arse out of it in Durban at a boys weekend and still can’t remember much from the Saturday night.

4. I’m not sure I have recovered yet; it has only been 9 days.....

5. My beloved cars days are numbered and it’s hurting.

6. My mates getting married in 3 weeks and I feel the need to organize his bachelors even though im not the best man, i dont even think he has a best man.

7. My ex fiancés having a baby too, odd. It doesn’t hurt anymore, i think.

8. I found this very funny

9. Im about as creative as a municipal worker lately, today is no exception and thus i must apologize for having a very, very boring blog.

10. Its Thursday today so tomorrow’s Friday. That’s a very good thing.....


Peas on Toast said...

Oh sweet Billy! Here our my thoughts on your thoughts:
- You're becoming a father! This must be one of the happiest and overwhelming moments in your life - 9 weeks isn't a long time. I'm sure you're going to be absolutely great at it! ;)
- You send alot of time in Durban. And it always seems to be a jolly got thrashing. :)
- Organise your mate's bachelors. From the sounds of things, you're pretty good at this. If you need lube, you know who to ask. (Me or Ant)
- Work, seemingly for everybody at the moemnt, is equidistant to hell. Ant is working 20 hour days, I am not loving my industry. I love writing, but not the crap that I have to write about on a daily basis. I think we all need to go to Cancun. Whaddoyoussay?
- I could also kill one of two of my co-workers. All to easily.
- Your car! Your A3! It's going! This must be a very sad affair indeed, I can only imagine. I'll take it, if it's going for free?? ;)

Keep your chin up my dear, there is good stuff happening ahead. xx

Billy said...

Its all good babe, thanks. Lifes a rosy peach, im healthy, have great bunch of mates and an awesome family. Works is work, its never going to be a fucken party!
Cancun is on!!!

Don said...

Dude, sounds like your life's up 'n down. Can't always be easy sailing eh? Although sometimes I really really wish it could!

Congrats on almost-daddydom, gonna be a blast I'm sure.

Billy said...

Thanks Don, its going to be awesome i sure.

Third World Ant said...

Hello there! I'm willing to bet these 9 weeks are going to pass slower than any others in your life henceforth!

Seems like there is plenty to keep you busy until that time comes, so you might as well do as much as you can (especially that bachelor's party) before you have to get up at 3am for bottle feeds...