Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Morning Knobs

To the two knobs i call mates who found this blog eventually, well done. The one found it all his own with some great investigative work. The other took fukken ages and only after i told him about 5 times, admittedly he was a tad 'ammered when i divulged the name but still, sharpen up slapper.

Since the discovery coincided with a serious lack of creativity i haven’t blogged much and this has resulted in much unhappiness from the bored little pricks. Thus in order to fulfill their otherwise shity lives with a little quality writing i have decided to do a post. i just dont know what to write about.

I vomited at a bachelors last week?
I plan to vomit at the wedding?
I still don’t have a wedding plan for my own wedding but plenty of good intentions.
I dont have a set date for my wedding yet but im already shitting myself for the bachelors.
I am loving the following music at present:
- Fall out Boy
- The Fray
- Chemical Romance
- Staind
- Audioslave

I am loving the following other miscellaneous things:
- the lack of sweaty heat
- internet
- Cool Running in Fourways not because im a stoner or a trend buny but because no cops hang out between it and my house and of course due to the waitress' having that much loved "Deer in the headlights" look.
-My kid, who's fast becoming a talking and crawling monster.
-money, i have fack all of it at the moment thus i really would to learn to love it
-SuperM Strawberry milk
-Beer Shandy, am i gay?

I hate to be negative about anything, as the two knobs really need love and light in their lives but a really big Fuck You goes out to Telkom for screwing around with our telephone lines at the Saltmine here in Rivonia. I got less than two hours sleep because of your inefficient and idiotic service. Bring on Neotel! It cant really be any worse, can it?


Anonymous said...

Hey Billy,

Thanks for your 2c worth. I love your opinion on my fast-car-of-choice.

now your knobbish friends aren't the only ones who visit here once in a while hoping for an update. or entertaining reading.

that's my 2c worth ;-)

Just so's you should know.

Billy said...

Point taken, at least you comment though. The knobs lurk and watch. Dont have balls to comment...

Anonymous said...

I really hope that your wedding plans go well and that you will at least contribute something other than showing up to your wedding. I am currently planning my wedding myself - do yourself a favour and be supportive and don't argue about crappy wedding things with your wife-to-be. When she asks your opinion or help - give it, or at least smile, nod and say "Yes dear" even if it's just to placate her.

Hope that advice comes in handy ;o)

P.S. I'm shitting myself for my fiance's bachelors...I'm going to be REALLY peeved if some stripper sticks her tit in his mouth!

Anonymous said...

Dude. You were doing so well. I was ready to pack my existence in and prepare to carve my own life in a perfect image of your own.... but then you dropped a bomb! Beer shandy?? DUDE, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING. It's like owning a pink scooter mate, never admit it! I guess Don @ JoBlog remains my new superhero. It's a long story. You should ask him sometime! LOL

Happer Easter pal.

Billy said...

I admit the shandy things a bit dodge but dont give up on me yet!
I dont read Heat, anymore, and i am weening myself back onto Captain Morgan after a brief rehab stint. Shandy's held me tight on the long dark days while CM was banished...but alas i prepare to knock shit out of myself this weekend with as many mens beverages as i can.

Anonymous said...

Thats so much better Billy! You can do it!
Captain M, go help Billy return to the land of testosterone, it's your duty!
HEAT? Don't go there man. Next you will be saying you have to rush home for the OC.