Monday, October 30, 2006


Cant wait for this idiot to get a seat in parliament.

Ladies and gentlemen may i present a royal twit:

ANC Youth League president Fikile Mbalula

Im not sure i need to point out more than this little gem that stumbled out Fikile's mouth:

"You must go back and tell Mugabe that we love what he is doing for the people of Zimbabwe. He is doing a good work. You must tell him that we love him."

Fuck off Fikile, good work is when a country is on its knees and desperate?

Must be a well educated little mutt our Fikile.

Its morons like this that make the world wonder if all of us on the southern tip of the dark continent live in loin cloth and pick fleas out of each others heads.



Anonymous said...

You're kidding. Did he REALLY say that? How distorted can your sense of reality get????

Billy said...

im afraid so. very afraid in fact.