Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mugabe spotted at Joburg clinic

If his country isnt in any shit why does he need to come here for medical care???????
If he dies here then its ok but if we make him live longer i will be seriously pissed!

I am not a angry or hateful person but this f*cker means less to me than the sweat on a monkeys nuts.

Breath Billy breath........


Third World Ant said...

Amen! For all his ranting about not needing help from the Western world, he sure runs to it when he needs a doctor, or imported tiles for his ridiculous mansion, or a preposterously expensive shopping trip for his wife. Hypocrite!

Billy said...

It turns out the idiot was here to see a friend of his who is in hospital. He apparently wondered into Millpark looking for the guy and was told that Millpark and Garden City Clinic are not in fact the same thing. Twit.

Peas on Toast said...

Honey, I don't think I despise anyone I've never met.

However, I despise Robert Mugabe more than anyone I've met whom I despise.

If that makes sense.

He really really must die. Yes he must.